Tag Archives: workplace

Tag Archives: workplace



THE effectiveness of workplace safety laws is one of the great success stories in modern Australian society.  There has been a genuine shift in workplace culture driven by government policy, strong legislation and effective regulators.  Workplace safety is arguably the key focus for management and for the individual worker.  This safety priority is even more…
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Satellite safety: Australian Agricultural Company trials GPS technology to track staff working on remote cattle stations

One of Australia's largest cattle companies is trialling the use of satellite technology to track and monitor staff working in remote areas. Australian Agricultural Company (AACo) is using the pocket-sized beacons on four remote Northern Territory and Queensland cattle stations to assess their suitability as a safety management tool. The GPS devices can send pre-prepared…
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Harassment and inequality should be treated like a workplace hazard

Inequality is a workplace hazard and, like RSI and bad backs, gendered violence can be prevented. The CEO of Our Watch, Mary Barry, explains how workplaces can help create a future that's free of violence against women.  Hard hats and boots or rape and sexual harassment. Which of these says Occupational Health and Safety to…
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