Tag Archives: workplace

Tag Archives: workplace


Australia’s “eye-watering” H&S fines an omen for NZ

While the dust may have settled, significant uncertainty still surrounds New Zealand’s Health and Safety at Work Act but – according to one industry lawyer – employers don’t have to wait for the first cases to find some clarity. “Given the fact that the new regime is closely modelled on the Safe Work Australia (Model…
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Forestry industry must remain vigilant

Forestry industry must remain vigilant Press Release: WorkSafe NZ.  Available from <http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PO1608/S00278/forestry-industry-must-remain-vigilant.htm> [Wednesday, 24 August 2016, 3:44 pm] WorkSafe New Zealand says the latest forestry death in Hawkes Bay is a sad reminder to the industry of the need to remain vigilant about health and safety. Monday’s death follows three earlier confirmed forestry fatalities so far…
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Forestry deaths on the rise despite changes to health and safety laws

Forestry deaths on the rise despite changes to health and safety laws.  Source: OneNews.  Available from <https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/forestry-deaths-rise-despite-changes-health-and-safety-laws>. [Saturday, August 27, 2016] The council of Trade Unions believes some forest owners are choosing to ignore the new Health and safety laws. The number of bushmen being killed is back on the rise, even after massive efforts…
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New Zealand’s forestry industry urged to make safety a priority

New Zealand’s forestry industry urged to make safety a priority reported by Haydee.  Available from <http://content.safetyculture.com.au/news/index.php/08/new-zealands-forestry-industry-urged-make-safety-priority/#.V9pcoJh9602>. [ 02:17am, Thursday 25 August, 2016] New Zealand’s work safety watchdog is reminding the forestry industry to remain vigilant about health and safety following a forestry fatality in Hawkes Bay. The victim, a rugby player, is the second worker…
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