SafeWork SA offers tips for staying safe during severe weather

SafeWork SA offers tips for staying safe during severe weather

After warning business owners and operators across South Australia to prepare for extreme weather, SafeWork SA released a few tips to help employers to ensure the safety of workers during severe weathers.

Employer (or person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) are encouraged to ensure:

  • The work environment is free of risks to health and safety
  • Plant and structures are safe and maintained
  • Safe systems of work are in place and followed
  • Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of workers
  • Provide necessary training and supervision
  • Protect people (workers, customers etc.) from health and safety risks arising from the work of the business or undertaking.

SafeWork also recommends identifying any new hazards around the workplace that need addressing following severe weather conditions.

SafeWork SA offers tips for staying safe during severe weather by Haydee.  Available from <>. [06:11pm, Friday 30 September, 2016]

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